A healthy lifestyle is at the forefront of people’s mind’s these days, what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat are just a few of the thoughts that fly though our heads at any given moment. But if you’re anything like us, the trusty donut or burger manages to finds its way in all too often.
But eating healthy is only one side of the equation… the other is drinking properly too!
Over the last several years the humble water bottle has become a hot commodity and rightly so. We drink so much water why not have it the perfect temperature, matched to our favourite work out gear or more importantly filter it from any of those harmful nasties floating around in there.
So now the question becomes, which to choose? Our favourite at the moment is 321 Water bottles, why you ask?
For us it was a number of reasons really, its Australian made, BPA and BPS Free, Ethically & Sustainably produced and durable. Not to mention looks pretty damn good too! What more do you need! How about it won’t break the bank either for the bottles or for new filters.
Wanting to see how it did on the road, we took the 321 Water Bottle on a recent trip to Greta Valley and Hanmer Springs, New Zealand. In middle of nowhere, we filled and refilled the 321 Water bottle and let me tell you, the water tasted great!
So, if you’re looking to invest in a new bottle this winter, the 321 Filter Bottle is a definite winner.